Merry Christmas from the Warrens.


Family and friends,

As we prepare our hearts for Christmas day, our hope is that you will join us in reflecting on the reality of Christ, as a babe, entering our messy, broken, torn-apart world, His light casting out shadows and drawing us to Himself. As we look around at a toy-strewn, dance-party infused, half-renovated, love-filled, dishes-piled, laughter-saturated, too-often-yelled-in, but always-forgiven-in home, we are painfully/joyously aware of the messiness of this life. And oh so grateful for a Saviour who came humbly into this mess. May you encounter this Christ afresh this Christmas.

Love, The Warrens

So, in the spirit of being real…here’s an honest look into our life right now.

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We may look cute and put together (excepting Josiah’s double chin and terrible hair) but the photo is only proof that we won the battle (and the battle is real, people), after 40 minutes of fighting for it.
This is a better representation of our lives.
Keziah is mildly amused by our antics here but is generally a very big personality (welcome to the warren household). She is either sunshine-in-her-smile or “it’s the end of the world as we know it”.
Josiah has started a new job since we moved to Orillia and has been renovating our house (when he hasn’t fallen asleep at 7pm, due to sheer physical and emotional exhaustion).
Note: Christie is seriously sleep-deprived and barely holding it together some days. Although she has been enjoying sewing and creating new memories in her childhood home.


Charis is never this calm. When autocorrect changes her name to chaos, we just leave it.
Charis is full of gumption, compassion, with the best dance moves around and is the only one of the three who sleeps through the night-she truly is a delight.


Kez has two teeth now, is starting to crawl, tries to wave, doesn’t like to be away from mommy for too long and gives amazing sloppy kisses.


These two are the best of friends, when they’re not terrorizing each other.
Jeremiah is 4 now and has adjusted really well to JK. He is strong-willed (apple doesn’t fall far…), loves to learn and is incredibly thoughtful.


We are so in love with these three and each other and we wouldn’t change a thing!

We are so thankful for the daily reminders in our life, of Christ’s birth, that He came for the likes of us…and for you.

Merry Christmas. All our love, Christie (29), Josiah (staggeringly younger looking), Jeremiah (4), Charis (2), Keziah (fat….err, 8 months).

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